
Pupils and teacher outside

Example Timetable

Student timetables will be structured to ensure:

  • Recommended allocations of time to core and foundation subjects
  • A spread of lessons in core subjects throughout the week
  • Longer lessons for practical subjects

To achieve this the school will operate a two week timetable consisting of 6 lessons each day of 50 minutes.

Students in Years 7-9 will have the following lesson allocation:

 Subject Year 7  Year 8  Year 9
 English  4  4  4
 Maths  4   4  4
 Science  4    4  4
 French/Greek in Y7/French or Greek in Y8/Y9  3  3  3
 History  2  2  2
 Geography  2  2  2
 Classics  1  1  1
PE 2 2 2
Technology 2 2 2
RS 1 1 1
PSHCE 1 1 1
Music 1 1 1
Drama 1 1 1
Art 1 1 1
Computer Science 1 1 1

Students in Years 10 and 11 will have the following lessons:

 Subject  Year 10 Year 11
 English 5 5
 Maths 4 4
 Science 6 6
 RP 3 3
Core PE 2 2
Option A 3 3
Option B 3 3
Option C 3 3