Pupil Premium Funding

Pupils and teacher outside


‘The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their wealthier peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.’ (DFE 2012). 

Schools are given funding for every student on their roll who is:

  • a Looked After Child OR
  • is currently able to claim Free School Meals OR
  • has claimed Free School Meals in the last 6 years.

This additional funding has been allocated to every school because national figures show that, on average, this group does not achieve as well as their peers across the country. This group of students however are able to do just as well as all other students and the funding is therefore to support schools to address this issue.

How must this money be used?

Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit. There is no requirement for this money to be spent on individual students simply because they fall into this category. However, it is expected that the funding will be used to support, as necessary, students in this group and other lower-income families so that this group makes the same progress as their peers.

How much funding does the school receive?

Funding is based on the number of eligible students at the school in January and the amount is notified to us in the Spring term. It is paid in arrears.

School objectives for spending the grant

For students eligible for PPG funding and other disadvantaged students to make expected and better progress academically and to share as fully in school life as all other students.

How does the school use this funding?

The school recognises that students in receipt of Pupil Premium funding may face barriers to educational achievement. For example, they may be unable to join extra-curricular trips; they may be unable to purchase ICT equipment or other additional school equipment they need to support their study at home; they may face additional pastoral challenges through their school years. 

In addition, staff have been appointed whose role includes specific responsibilities with respect to this group of students; their role will include monitoring, tracking and ensuring appropriate intervention as needed as well as parental liaison.

Please see the report here for further information about the plans for spending and a review of last year.

It is important to note that it should not be assumed that all students eligible for Free School Meals/Pupil Premium need some or all of this support. There are a number of this group of students in this school and elsewhere who are making excellent progress already, and who will need minimal support as a result. It is also the case that the school’s general expectation and support for high levels of participation (supported financially for this group in a number of areas) and responsibility, would appear to impact very positively on the development of students this group.

How does the school measure success?

The school tracks the attendance, progress and behaviour for learning of all students, including students in this particular group. Success is evidenced by the outcomes for these students which demonstrates that they are making progress similar to, or in some cases better than, their peers in the school and above average nationally.

The school reviews its pupil premium strategy at least annually.