Equalities Information and Accessibility Plan

Pupils and teacher outside

St Andrew the Apostle School Equality information


St Andrew the Apostle Greek Orthodox School seeks to foster a supportive, welcoming and respectful culture, based on our Christian values, which allows us all to question and challenge discrimination and inequality, resolve conflicts peacefully, promote equality and work and learn in a safe environment.
To find out more about our school approach to equality please read our Equality Policy.

1 Contextual information

We have 527 students in seven year groups Years 7-13. Please breakdown of groups in chart below. 

Intake Boys Girls BME EAL FSM PP Disabled SEN EHCP
2015 56% 44% 74% 10% 9% 21% 0 5% 3
2016 59% 41% 61% 14% 9% 26% 0 7% 5
2017 57% 43% 64% 21% 9% 29% 0 7% 4
2018 56% 44% 64% 23% 9% 25% 0 7% 6
2019 55% 45% 65% 24% 10% 24% 0 12% 9
2020 55% 45% 62% 22% 11% 22% 0 12% 10
2021 55% 45% 76% 25% 14% 20% 0 11% 8
2022 57% 43% 71% 28% 17% 21% 0 13% 10
2023 52% 48% 77% 31% 18% 20% 0 11% 6
2024 53% 47% 79% 29% 23% 24% 0 12% 4


We are also aware that there may be children in our school community who question their gender identity and may express their gender identity in a way that does not conform to stereotypical norms or the sex they were born as. We are also aware that children in our school may grow up to be lesbian, gay or bisexual. We also know that our staff and parents and carers are represented across all of the groups with protected characteristics.

2 Fostering good relations information
In our school we take pride in the range of work we do to foster good relations and in fact the vast majority of parents who filled in an Ofsted style parents survey at the Parents’ Evenings say their children felt safe in school and agreed that their children were well looked after at school.
You can read more about our approach to fostering good relations in the following policies: Curriculum, Equality and Safeguarding
We aim to foster good relations by:

  • Providing annual staff training on at least one aspect of equality and diversity.
  • Ensuring the whole school environment and curriculum reflects the diverse community within which we live. We aim for all students/students in our school to see themselves reflected in the stories we read, the assemblies we hold and in our displays and curriculum.
  • Giving clear messages about expectations as part of British society and as part of our school value.
  • Constantly reviewing and developing the PSHCE Education curriculum so that it provides opportunities to explore values and attitudes, understand similarities and differences and builds understanding of different groups and our own identities.
  • We invite visiting speakers and groups to enrich student experience and encourage them to consider issues for themselves. The charity work that is led by staff and students also helps to foster good relations. Specifically the school has worked with Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice and Young Barnet Christmas Foundation, organising events to support their work.

Fostering good relations objective(s)

  • Review the PSHCE and wider curriculum to ensure that equality issues including gender stereotypes are being challenged and the school is a safe space for all students including those who express their gender identity and how they wish to be viewed
  • Provide regular staff training on equality including gender and transgender issues.

3 Eliminating discrimination information

  • We work in partnership with parents and carers, students and students and the whole school community to prevent all forms of bullying and prejudiced based behaviour and you can read more about our approach to bullying and eliminating discrimination in our Anti-Bullying Policy, Equality Policy and Sex and Relationship Education Policy.
  • Any bullying and prejudiced based incidents are recorded. These records are used to inform the assembly programme and the PSHCE education curriculum and to support and track individual students / students. Incidents are discussed during pastoral meetings and reported termly to governors’ meetings.
  • Our understanding of how discrimination could affect groups of our students / students is further informed by national research complied by the Anti-Bullying Alliance and advice and resources from Educate.Against.Hate. 
  • The results from the Parent Surveys provide evidence that the vast majority of students feel safe at school. The reported rate of bullying is very low. Students are encouraged to report any concerns in the early stages. They have undertaken this seriously and let us know of any concerns they have about themselves or other individuals. Older students actively monitor younger students.
  • We actively encourage parents and carers to report bullying and prejudiced based incidents to us and this has happened. We are pleased to say that we have received very few complaints from parents and carers about how we are dealing with bullying and discrimination in our school. Where parents have raised issues we have been keen to work with them to work through their concerns.

Eliminating discrimination objective(s)

  • To maintain low numbers of bullying incidents by reviewing the PSHCE education curriculum to include lessons on racial and sexual orientation equality and bullying.
  • To continue to review the anti-bullying policy in consultation with the whole school community and in particular the School Council and to maintain the vast majority of parents reporting that our school is very good at dealing with any bullying.

4 Advance equality of opportunity information

We monitor individual student progress every half term and also monitor progress of key learner groups and compare their progress with the rest of the school population. These reports are presented to the Governing Body. Most members of these groups are performing in line or above the rest of the school population. Where there is underachievement we have put in place intervention/booster classes after school, at lunchtime or before school. The aim of these groups is to enable students to reduce the gap with the rest of the school population. We have recently added more intervention groups for literacy, social skills and numeracy for SEN students.

The SEND Policy, SEND Information Report, Pupil Premium report and More Able students Policy can be found on our website.

Advance equality of opportunity objective(s):

  • To put in place careful and precise planning with RET SEND Adviser, our SENCO and families to ensure that any students joining us each year with statements are catered for and make progress in line with other students
  • To continue regular liaison with specialist teams such as Hearing Impairment and Speech and Language teams so we can provide appropriate assessments and individual support.
  • ;To ensure regular meetings with the School Nurse team take place to provide advice and expertise for students with EHC plans.


St Andrew the Apostle School Accessibility Plan

The school is on two sites and is fully accessible to all students, including wheelchair users. There is a lift from the ground floor to the first floor in Building 5 and a lift from the ground floor to the school area in Building 4.

The school has a medical, SEND, and disabilities register for all year groups. 

Increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school's curriculum:


    • Students with significant health needs have Healthcare Plans, drawn up by the school in conjunction with parents/carers and associated medical professionals. 
    • The school makes appropriate provision and trains staff as required to accommodate students with particular needs.
    • All students will access the curriculum and setting in core subjects will allow students to make rapid and sustained progress regardless of their starting point.
    • Class sizes will remain reasonable (typically below 30) and additional interventions and support for numeracy and literacy will support students to access the curriculum.
    • The school is inclusive in line with its philosophy and legal requirements and there are no known barriers to any child accessing classrooms, activities or any part of the curriculum.
    • The school will review at least annually the disability profile of the cohort and adjust provision and plans as required.
    • In addition to this annual review the school will assess the needs of any new or prospective in-year transfer.
    • There is adequate disabled toilet provision and a hygiene room.
    • The mini-buses (used for extra-curricular activities) include disabled access and seating.
    • We currently have the following students who have specific accessibility needs:
    • One student with Marfan syndrome who can access both buildings in the same way as other students.

Improving the physical environment of the school for the purpose of increasing the extent to which disabled pupils are able to take advantage of education and benefits, facilities or services provided or offered by the school:

2022 onwards

      • The needs of future cohorts and any staff appointed with disabilities will be assessed and provision made as they arise.
      • Annual reviews of physical accessibility will be undertaken.

2023 onwards

      • Our new permanent site will be designed carefully to ensure full access for all. The site will open in September 2025. 
      • Enhancements to current temporary completed: improve accessibility ramp to reception; door hold-opens refreshed; refurbishment of toilets including disability toilets. 

2024 onwards

  • As above, with the building work on track to be completed prior to September 2025.

Improving the delivery to disabled pupils of information which is readily accessible to pupils who are not disabled.

  • The website contains most of the information available to parents and students that is required. The school also uses an online learning platform to set homework – Bromcom (MCAS - My Child at School)  
  • School signage will be large enough (large font) and at a height which can be read easily by any student including those in wheelchairs.
  • School signs will make clear where access points and exits points are including disabled signs and disabled toilets.
  • IWB technology will enable all students to access information readily regardless of their disability and will be adjusted, where appropriate for students, known to the school already, who suffer hearing loss.
  • Where appropriate, disabled students will be equipped with laptop, reading pen or other new technologies to assist them in accessing information and learning including practical subjects such as technology and PE.
  • Where appropriate and if required, specialist ergonomic furniture will be purchased to enable those with a disability to learn.