Applications for Year 7 September 2025
St Andrew the Apostle Greek Orthodox School is part of the coordinated Pan-London Admissions process; all applications should be made by your home borough (Local Authority).
For a Year 7 school admission you should apply through the LA in which you live by 31 October.
Please click here to be redirected to the Barnet Admissions website where you will find information on how to make your application for September 2025.
The admission and review of students with an EHCP or a statement of special educational needs is dealt with by a completely separate procedure involving parents, schools, the LA and a range of professionals. This procedure is integral to the making and maintaining of a compliant EHCP (or statement) by the student’s home Local Authority. Details of this separate procedure are set out in the Special Education Needs Code of Practice.
Supplementary Information Forms (SIFs)
If you are applying for a place under the faith criteria, please ensure you complete and return a Supplementary Information Form to the school office as soon as you have applied for a place.
A student's position on the waiting list will be determined in accordance with the over-subscription criteria set in our admissions policy. Where a place becomes vacant it will be allocated to a child on the waiting list in accordance with the over-subscription criteria. Our waiting list is reviewed twice a year, and parents are contacted to confirm whether they want their child to remain on the list for a place.
Contact us: or 0203 195 5444
In Year Admissions
St Andrew the Apostle School accepts students into all year groups. The planned admissions number for most year groups is 150. When a year group is full, the school holds a waiting list. If you would like your child to transfer into St Andrew the Apostle School, or to be added to the waiting list for a place if their year-group is full, you need to submit an application for a place via your Local Authority. We are not able to admit students or add students to the waiting list without receiving an application via the Local Authority. We discourage students moving between schools in Year 11 due to the final year of their GCSE’s and the disruption this may cause.
Admissions Consultation 2026-27
Please find the outcome report of the St Andrew the Apostle Admissions consultation - Consultation Outcome Report.
The statutory six-week consultation period ran from Monday 9th December 2024 - Friday 24th January 2025.
Appeals - September 2025
If you were not offered a place at St Andrew the Apostle School and you wish to appeal the decision, contact Barnet Council via email or on the phone 020 8359 6452 to request information on how to appeal. When emailing about an appeal, please mark it for the attention of ‘The Clerk to the Independent Appeal Panel’. Appeal paperwork must be returned by the end of March 2025. The Clerk will then arrange for your appeal to be heard by an Independent Panel, who will consider;
- Whether the admission arrangements complied with the admissions law and whether they were correctly and impartially applied,
- Whether the admission arrangements were correctly applied in your child’s case,
- Whether the school could admit an additional child without prejudicing the efficient education or efficient use of resources, and
- If they think that prejudice would occur, they will then balance the reasons for your child to go to the school against the prejudice to the school.
Appeals will be heard by the Independent Panel during the month of May 2025 and they will be held online.
If you have any questions about appeals, please contact your Local Authority or the school’s admissions team.
1 September |
School application process starts. It's time to find out about schools in your area and apply for a school place |
31 October |
The deadline to apply for a school place is 11:59pm |
February |
Applications are looked at and school places are decided. |
3 March |
National Offer Day. |
14 March |
The deadline to accept or refuse the school place offered. |
30 March |
Deadline to make an appeal if your child wasn't offered a place at one of the schools you chose. |
April to August |
Appeals are discussed and decided at meetings called appeal hearings. |
September |
Children start school. |
Sixth Form
If you wish to apply to our Sixth Form, please visit the Join Us drop down on the Sixth Form section on the homepage of this website.