A Level Exam Success 2023

Pupils and teacher outside

On Thursday 17 August 2023, students at St Andrew the Apostle School in Barnet were celebrating their Post-16 results.

Headteacher Dr Philip Hills said, ‘This is only the second set of examined grades for our Sixth Form and we are very proud of all of our students. Mathematics, in particular, remains a real strength, with 100% A*-A grades in Further Maths and several students going on to Maths related courses, including Pavlos, who will be studying Maths at St Andrew’s University, and Georgios, who has been offered a place to read Mathematics and Statistics at Queen Mary. 

We are celebrating, too, the creative flair of our students, such as Matilda, who will be studying Fashion at City University.

We are immensely proud of the achievements of the students in this year group, who did not sit GCSE exams because of COVID and, as seen in the national press last week, have had their exams assessed in line with pre-COVID expectations.

As the school continues to grow, we are also hugely looking forward to moving into our purpose built new school building and sports complex, on Brunswick Park Road – the diggers have been in already and the buildings are already zooming upwards. There is a real buzz about the place and the sky’s the limit for our talented students!’

Notable achievements:
Pavlos achieved; A*, A, A*, A in A Level Chemistry, Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Physics
Destination: studying Maths at St Andrew’s University
Georgios achieved: A, A, C in A Level Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Media
Destination: has received an offer to study Mathematics and Statistics at Queen Mary. 
Pedros achieved: A, B, C in A Level Politics, Media Studies and Economics
Destination: studying Politics and Business at Queen Mary. 
Matilda achieved: A, B, B in Media Studies, History and English Literature
Destination: studying Fashion at City University. 
Michaela achieved: A, B, B in Media English and History
Destination: City University to read journalism.
Ali achieved: A*, A, B, C in A Level Persian, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology
Destination: MSc Physician Associate, Reading University.

Students at St Andrew benefit from our small sixth form that has personal attention and great pastoral care.