Please see keys dates below. We will confirm dates of events by writing to parents of relevant year groups and via our newsletters.
TERMS 1 and 2 | ||
Sept | 4 and 5 |
6 |
Term starts for all year groups - staggered start; please see end of year letter. |
14 |
Y7 Settling In Evening |
19 |
Open Evening |
22 |
Sixth Form - Oxbridge/Vet/Med Challenge |
from 25 |
Open Mornings |
28 |
Y10 & Y12 Settling in Evening |
Oct |
12 |
Y13 Parents Evening |
18 |
Sixth Form Open Evening Y11 reports available for parents to view |
19 |
Term ends for students |
20 | INSET day |
25 and 26 |
Half term intervention for selected students in Year 11 and Year 13 |
30 |
Term start for all students at 8.30am |
Nov | 9 | Y8 Parents Evening |
Week Beginning 13 |
Y11 mock exams begin | |
23 |
Y12 Parents Evening | |
Week Beginning 27 |
Y13 mock exams begin | |
30 |
St Andrew's Day | |
Dec |
1 |
INSET day |
7 |
GCSE and Post-16 Certificate Evening | |
8 |
Sixth Form Open Event | |
9 |
Christmas Show/Christmas Dinner/Christmas Jumper Day | |
11 (WB) |
Church visits for Y7-10 and Y12 groups |
19 |
GCSE and Post-16 Awards Evening | |
21 |
End of term - early dismissal for all students | |
TERMS 3 and 4 | ||
Jan |
8 |
INSET day - school closed to all students |
9 |
Spring Term begins - 8.30am start for all students as usual Y12 Assessments |
11 |
Year 11 Parents/Carers evening Y13 main report issued |
15 |
Sixth Form application deadline TBC | |
18 |
Year 12 progress reports issued | |
20 |
Years 7 - 10 progress reports issued | |
Feb |
1 |
Year 9 Parents/Carers evening |
6 |
Year 9 Options Evening |
8 |
Year 11 and Year 13 mock 2 examination series starts |
9 |
School breaks-up for half term |
WB 12 |
Year 11 and Year 13 intervention days TBC | |
19 |
School reopens for all students at 8.30am Year 11 and Year 13 mocks continue |
29 | Year 10 reports issued | |
Mar |
18 |
Start of Greek Orthodox Lent |
Mar |
25 |
Easter Church Visits for Y7 - 10 and Y12 |
28 |
Year 8 reports issued Year 7 Parents Evening TBC Last Day of Term - early dismissal for all students |
Apr | Easter Intervention for Year 11 and Year 13 students; details to be confirmed | |
15 |
School reopens at 8.30am, as usual, for all students | |
22 |
Year 10 examinations start | |
GCSE Art exam TBC | |
25 |
Year 7 reports issued | |
May |
3 |
Greek Orthodox Good Friday - school closed |
6 |
Bank Holiday - school closed | |
9 |
GCSE exams start |
13 |
Post-16 examinations start | |
16 |
Y10 exam report issued | |
23 |
Year 9 reports issued |
24 |
Last day of term |
Half term intervention for Year 11 and Year 13; details to be confirmed | |
Jun |
3 |
School reopens for all students, as usual, at 8.30am Year 7 and Year 12 examinations |
13 |
Year 10 parents evening | |
Jul |
2 |
Sports Day; details to be confirmed |
Jul |
3 |
Year 9 examinations |
4 |
INSET day Transition Day for Year 6 students Year 11 Prom TBC |
12 |
Talent Show | |
15 |
Church services for Y7-12. | |
18 |
Y12 main report issued |
19 |
Year 7 to Year 9 end of year reports issued |
19 |
School breaks-up for summer holiday - early closure for all students | |
Aug |
15 |
Post 16 results day |
22 |
GCSE results day Sixth Form sign up day |
Sep |
INSET days - school closed to all students |
School year starts; details to be confirmed |