COVID-19 Catch Up Premium

Pupils and teacher outside
COVID-19 Catch Up Premium Spending: Summary

Summary information

Total number of pupils:


Amount of catch-up premium received per pupil:


Total catch-up premium budget:


 Total budgeted


Strategy Statement

St Andrew the Apostle School has had success over time in progress for Pupil Premium students. The 2018 Ofsted report found that “Disadvantaged pupils make stronger progress than other pupils nationally and their outcomes are well above national averages in GCSE English and mathematics.”  

In 2019 GCSE results, a positive gap of approximately 0.6 using the P8 measure existed between PP students and the remainder of the cohort. In 2018, there was a very small (0.04) negative gap between PP students and the remainder. These outcomes eclipse national averages, clearly. 

However, in the 2020 GCSE results (CAGs), a negative gap of 0.5 existed between PP students and the remainder of the cohort. The school is concerned about this gap but notes the impact the Covid-19 school closure had on CAGs, with many PP students likely to have ‘caught up’ if school remained open until June.  

 We completed an analysis of student needs in September 2020, following the period of school closure in 2019-20. 

  • From this analysis we set our priorities for catch-up in this academic year as: 
  • Transitioning students effectively back into school; ensuring excellent attendance and effective pastoral care; 
  • Supporting students’ literacy to enable their progress across the curriculum in spite of missed learning last academic year; 
  • Altering curriculum delivery to suit the needs of students in KS4 with revised exam specifications and to suit the needs of students in KS3 given missed learning in 2019-20.  

Our overall aim is to raise the attainment of all students across the curriculum, to close the gaps created by COVID-19 school closures and especially to further close gaps in progress and attainment between our disadvantaged students and their non-disadvantaged peers in line with our School Development Plan.  

To this end we have decided to spend our catch-up funding in the following areas: 

Specific targeted support for PP and SEND students  
Ensure quality of teaching and learning is high despite probable staff absences due to COVID related issues.

Barriers to learning

Barriers to future attainment

Academic barriers:


 KS2 banding – general ability. PP students at STA are less likely to be in Higher KS2 scores banding, for example 30% vs 40% in current y11. 


 Missed learning in 2019-20; units not covered or not covered to the normal depth; difference between students who engaged effectively with home learning and those who did not. 


 Smaller gaps seem to exist in non-literacy based subjects, indicating a general possible literacy deficit  

Additional Barriers

External barriers:


 Some PP students have lower attendance than school averages: this was 90% vs 94% during Sep-Dec 2020.  This is in line with national averages 


 Some PP students have a greater tendency to have a social worker or receive ‘Early Help’ by approximately 6:1 compared to other students. 


 Some occasional and discrete ICT access issues 


Increase in anxiety and mental health needs amongst the student body in 2020. 
Planned expenditure for current academic year

Please note, these are not the only initiatives being undertaken by departments and year teams to ensure students are on track post COVID lockdown. Subject Development plans and Year Group Development plans outline all strategies. Below are the strategies using post lockdown 'catch up' funding.

Additional Information

Information derived from Education Endowment Foundation Teaching and Learning Toolkit ( , school data software (SISRA), DfE Local Authority Interactive Tool ( , A New Direction (, the Key ( and discussion with middle leaders, senior colleagues and parents. 

Curriculum Modification for Years 10-13 

Current Years 11 and 13 missed significant elements of their examination courses due to lockdown. At the time, these priorities were put together these students also faced a likely change to the assessment model for their examinations. This turned out to be relatively limited, but it is still possible, at the time of writing, that further changes will be made. Curriculum modification was necessary to ensure that specification content could be covered given the restrictions of lockdown without detriment to student outcomes. 

There was an impact for years 10 and 12 too as they were unlikely to be able to start their examination courses in the normal way and the impact of this had to be mitigated. 

Planned expenditure for current academic year - 16-19 Tuition Funding 

Although targeted students are identified based on their prior attainment in English and Maths, and other courses where learning has been disrupted. The funding is aimed at those students who did not achieve Grade 5 in English or mathematics. Our priority is those students who have stayed with us in our sixth form who did not gain a Grade 4 in either English or mathematics or neither English and mathematics.  

The money provided is for the school to use to go above and beyond this typical provision so we have used the £10500 to provide the following: 


Intended outcome and success criteria 

What’s the evidence and rationale for this choice? 

Staff Lead


Small group work in mathematics 

Retake GCSE Mathematics and achieve a Grade 4 or above.

In line with funding intention and supports students in achieving most important core academic outcome 



Small group work in English 

Retake GCSE Mathematics and achieve a Grade 4 or above.

In line with funding intention and supports students in achieving success in their current courses



Total Budgeted Cost:


These intervention sessions will take place in addition to the normal timetabled hours. Particular regard is being given to the requirements of disadvantaged students and students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). In addition, funding will also be used to offer support to students whose emotional and mental health was significantly impacted as a result of the pandemic.