In this unit pupils discuss what they like or dislike, what they do after school , how they celebrate their birthday, what do they wear. They are reviewing the use of all verb tenses and giving their opinion.
Students will be assessed on Listening, Reading, Writing and Translation. The assessment will mainly include structures and vocabulary from the current unit, but also recall prior knowledge.
I have brown hair
you have green eyes
red (for hair)
(do) you want to go
I can
I must
we had a laugh
it was unbelievable
Students describe their feelings as well as their likes and dislikes, and think about the feelings of others.
Students are more open to expressing themselves and to appreciate other people's viewpoint.
In this unit pupils learn about future plan. They discuss what to do when they are older and imagine how things will be in the future. They are using modal verbs and the future tense in more depth
Students will be assessed on Listening, Reading, Writing and Translation. The assessment will mainly include structures and vocabulary from the current unit, but also recall on prior knowledge.
my ..... hurts
I have been hit
I am hurt
to eat healthy
you must sleep
the training/ practice
the body
a team
it's tiring
Students consider their own future and share it with others.
Students learn to envision the future they want for their community.
In this unit pupils learn to talk about musical tastes. They discover the use of the imperfect in French, they learn how to incorporate pronouns in their speaking and writing, and how to master comparatives.
Students will be assessed on listening, reading and writing.
an apprenticeship
to work
to travel
to communicate
the next day
it would be
a foreign language
to create
a course
Students look at similarities in music between France and the UK.
Students gain an understanding of themselves within a global, rather than a local or national, community. They learn about their place in society which in turn has an impact on their perception of school life as a preview of the wider world.
In this unit pupils learn to describe and discuss issues about the wider world (eating habits, the natural world, the environment). They use complex negatives, superlatives and the conditional tense.
Students will be assessed on listening, reading and speaking. Assessment will mainly include structures and vocabulary from the current unit, but also recall prior knowledge. Speaking will not only showcase a confident use of a range of verb tenses, but also imaginative ideas and ambitious vocabulary.
I get bored
I bathe/ swin
the summer holidays
to go scuba-diving
an insect repellent spray
to get a sun burn
my dream destination
two weeks
I would like to go
Students describe their own experience and awareness of global issues. They reflect on the own experiences and on the experiences of others. This assists in their communication development and in their understanding of the impact of their actions.
Students are learning about the experience of life in other countries and are exposed to the traditions and lifestyles of different cultures.
In this unit pupils discuss their rights and priorities as teenagers. They talk about what makes them happy and what they don’t like in the world, using si and the direct object pronoun.
Students will be assessed on Listening, Reading, Writing and Translation. The assessment will mainly include structures and vocabulary from the current unit, but also recall on prior knowledge.
I have the right to
I don't have the right to
to go out on my own
my priorities are
my studies
animal cruelty
les produits issus du commerce équitable
Students reflect on their own values by relating what matters to them to what matters for others.
Students have the opportunity to think about themselves in relation to the wider world. They can exchange on their worries, priorities and hopes for the future.
Pupils review the work that has been done during the year and develop key skills for success in MFL, particularly regarding spontaneous speech.
End of Year assessment.
The assessment will cover the content and concepts/ grammar points we studied throughout the school year. Students will be expected to confidently isolate and understand information in a range of unseen passages (spoken and written), to develop written paragraphs on a topic of their choice, and to answer questions spontaneously in speaking. Results will inform set groups at the start of Year 10.
the conditional tense
the imperfect tense
the perfect tense
the present tense
the simple future tense
the near future tense
a noun
a verb
an adjective
Students will refine their comprehension of the tools to express themselves in a range of time frames.
Students will be able to debate issues effectively while demonstrating sensitivity to other cultures.
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