This unit introduces concepts about the wave-particle duality and will look at the Photoelectric Effect.
45 minute assessment about Quantum Physics.
Students will go back over everything they have learnt about electricity in preparation for their end of year exam.
No assessment
This unit will look at the life cycle of stars and the red shift. Students will also be introduced to the absorption spectrum and Hubble's Law.
45 minute assessment about Astrophysics & Cosmology
In this unit students will develop their understanding of the structure of an atom, looking at sub-atmoic particles. They will also learn the process of nuclear fusion and nuclear fission.
45 minute assessment about particle physics.
The aim of this module is to introduce important conventions and ideas that permeate the fabric of physics. Understanding of physical quantities, S.I. units, scalars and vectors helps physicists to effectively communicate their ideas within the scientific community.
Students will also learn how to mathematically model the motion of objects using SUVAT equations to solve various problems.
45 minute assessment about Motion
This unit provides an introduction to the fundamental ideas of charge and current.
45 minutes assessment about Electricity.
This unit develops ideas about the effect of forces on objects. It also explores the important link between work done and energy and teaches students how to apply the law of conservation of energy.
45 minute assessment about Forces
This unit brings together what students learnt previously about electricity and include how potential dividers work.
45 minute assessment about electric circuits.
Students will also learn how to classify different materials according to their properties. The unit will also teach students how to apply the laws of motion and momentum.
45 minute assessment about Forces, Energy and Materials
This unit will explore properties of waves and develop further understanding of reflection and refraction.
45 minutes assessment about Waves and Superposition
Students will learn about the properties of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum.
45 minute assessment about Electromagnetic Waves
This unit looks at how instruments produce their characteristic notes and the effect of interference of waves.
45 minute assessment about Stationary Waves