Year 12 — Business Studies

Term 1: Unit 1 Exploring Business

A business is any activity that provides goods or services, whether that is to make a profit or not.

The common thread in business is that owners and employees are striving to satisfy customers.

Nowadays, customers are more informed and have more options in terms of what they buy and who they buy from, so a successful business is one that balances satisfying their customers with selling products or providing services.

In this unit, you will gain an overview of the key ingredients for business success, how businesses are organised, how they communicate, the characteristics of the environment in which they operate, and how this shapes them and their activities. You will also look at the importance of innovation and enterprise to the success and survival of businesses, with the associated risks and benefits.

By developing relevant business knowledge and understanding, this unit will help you to progress to employment, vocational training and higher apprenticeships, or higher education.

A Explore the features of different businesses and analyse what makes them


B Investigate how businesses are organised

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

The students will be introduced to factors that impact a business and look at alternatives options that a business can take. In doing so the student will develop analytical, assessment and evaluation skills to enable them to support their recommendations.

Create a supportive community:

Through individual independent working, group work and class led discussion the support with have the opportunity to develop in a safe but challenging environment.

Term 2: Unit 1 Exploring Business

A business is any activity that provides goods or services, whether that is to make a profit or not.

The common thread in business is that owners and employees are striving to satisfy customers.

Nowadays, customers are more informed and have more options in terms of what they buy and who they buy from, so a successful business is one that balances satisfying their customers with selling products or providing services.

In this unit, you will gain an overview of the key ingredients for business success, how businesses are organised, how they communicate, the characteristics of the environment in which they operate, and how this shapes them and their activities. You will also look at the importance of innovation and enterprise to the success and survival of businesses, with the associated risks and benefits.

By developing relevant business knowledge and understanding, this unit will help you to progress to employment, vocational training and higher apprenticeships, or higher education.

C Examine the environment in which businesses operate

D Examine business markets

E Investigate the role and contribution of innovation and enterprise to business


  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

The students will be introduced to factors that impact a business and look at alternatives options that a business can take. In doing so the student will develop analytical, assessment and evaluation skills to enable them to support their recommendations.

Create a supportive community:

Through individual independent working, group work and class led discussion the support with have the opportunity to develop in a safe but challenging environment.

Term 3: Unit 1: Exploring Business

C1 External environment

C2 Internal environment

C3 Competitive environment

C4 Situational analysis

D1 Different market structures

D2 Relationship between demand, supply and price

D3 Pricing and output decisions

E1 Role of innovation and enterprise

E2 Benefits and risks associated with innovation and enterprise

Work to be completed via online. All subject content has been delivered in the classroom by December 2020.

Learning aim C

Learning aim D

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

The students will be introduced to factors that impact a business and look at alternatives options that a business can take. In doing so the student will develop analytical, assessment and evaluation skills to enable them to support their recommendation - this will be achieved via remote learning.

Create a supportive community:

Through individual independent working, group work and class led discussion the support with have the opportunity to develop in a safe but challenging environment via remote learning.

Term 4: Unit 1: Exploring Business

E1 Role of innovation and enterprise

E2 Benefits and risks associated with innovation and enterprise

Via Online

Learning aim E - Investigating the role and contribution of innovation and enterprise to business Online

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Students will be able to independently online investigate the role and contribution of innovation and enterprise to business. They will be able to share content with peers to help devlop their thinking and linking to their organisation

Create a supportive community:

Students will be able to share and discuss online with peers by investigating the role and contribution of innovation and enterprise to business. They will be able to share content with peers to help devlop their thinking and linking to their organisation-

Term 5: Unit 3: Personal and Business Finance

Personal Finance Learners study the purpose and importance of personal and business finance. They will develop the Skills and knowledge needed to understand, analyse and prepare financial information. Learning Aim A-Understand the importance of managing personal finance Topics Covered: -Functions and Role of Money -Different ways to pay -Current Accounts -Managing Personal Finance Learning Aim B-Explore the personal finance sector Topics Covered: -Features of financial institutions -Communicating with customers -Consumer protection in relation to personal finance -Information and guidance Learning Aim C Understand the purpose of accounting Topics Covered: -Purpose of accounting -Types of income -Types of expenditure

Unit 3 Summer Exam

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Students will be able to develop knowledge of personal finance and the ability to analyse and evaluate their work

Create a supportive community:

Through group work and independent practice, students will be able to work through mathematical problems and apply their answers to different businesses within context. This will help them develop analytical and evaluative skills

Term 6: Unit 3: Personal and Business Finance

Learning Aim D-Select and evaluate different sources of business finance Topics Covered: -Sources of finance Learning Aim E- Break-even and cash flow forecasts Topics Covered: -Cash flow forecasts -Break Even Analysis Learning Aim F-Complete statements of comprehensive income and financial position and evaluate a business's performance Topics Covered: -Statement of comprehensive income -Statement of financial position -Measuring profitability -Measuring liquidity -Measuring efficiency -Limitations of ratios

Unit 3 Summer exam

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Students will be able to develop knowledge of personal finance and the ability to analyse and evaluate their work

Create a supportive community:

Through group work and independent practice, students will be able to work through mathematical problems and apply their answers to different businesses within context. This will help them develop analytical and evaluative skills

New time: New title

New Description

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Create a supportive community: