Year 10 — French

Term 1: Qui suis-je?

In this unit, pupils will revise family and describing people, as well as places in town and activities. They will also learn to discuss family and friendly relationships, to make arrangements to go out and describe a night out, and talk about their lives when they were younger and their role models. Grammar points will include a range of verbs tenses, reflexive verbs and possessive adjectives.

Students will be tested on their Listening, Reading, Writing and Translation skills. Each skill will follow GCSE style questions and include mainly items of vocabulary from the unit, but also general vocabulary and structures.

le sens de l'humour

the sense of humour

la patience


la belle famille

the in-laws/ the step family

se facher contre

to get angry with

s'entendre avec

to get on with

la fidélité


la gentillesse


dire la vérité

to tell the truth

voir le bon coté des choses

to see the good side of things

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

The module encourages students to reflect on their own character and opinions as well as their relationship with others.

Create a supportive community:

Students can recognise and appreciate differences in personalities and reflect upon what makes a successful friendship.

Term 2: Le temps des loisirs

This unit is about leisure and culture: sports, music, technology, life online, books and reading, television programmes, films and actors. Grammar points will include depuis, the comparative, the imperfect tense, direct object pronouns and superlative adjectives. This unit will allow us to discuss cultural aspects of French-speaking countries.

Students will be tested on their Listening, Reading, Writing and Translation skills. Each skill will follow GCSE style questions and include mainly items of vocabulary from the unit, but also general vocabulary and structures.



de toute manière

in any case



je fais de l'escrime

I practice fencing

c'est bon pour

it is good for

je me fixe des objectifs

I set goals for myself

Ca m'aide à décompresser

It helps me relax/ unwind

on joue depuis trois ans

we have been playing for three years

je ne rate jamais

I never miss

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

This topic raises awareness of daily life in French-speaking countries and encourages students to compare this to their own lives.

Create a supportive community:

Students can appreciate the similarities and differences between their lives and those of others around the world.

Term 3: Jours ordinaires, jours de fête

In this unit, pupils will learn about social life and celebrations, including food for special occasions, shopping and clothes, daily lives, and festivals, traditions and celebrations. This unit will be the occasion to develop cultural awareness. Grammar points will include pouvoir and devoir, the pronoun on and tutoiement, ‘venir de + infinitive and using a combination of tenses.

The assessment will test students on Listening, Speaking and Reading. The speaking assessment is on the topic of Cultural Life. It follows the GCSE format and will contain conversation questions regarding the entire topic as well as a role play and/or photocard.

je porte

I wear

je vais mettre

I am going to put on

en coton/ cuir/ laine/ soie

(made of) cotton/ leather/ wool/ silk

des vêtements


je peux rester au lit

I can stay in bed

je dois aimer mes parents

I must help my parents

je ne grignote jamais

I never snack

en mangeant

while eating

le jour férié

the bank holiday

la Nuit Blanche

First Saturday of October, when a lot of museums and art galleries stay open all night

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

This module informs students on cultural life and family traditions in French-speaking countries, encouraging them to make comparisons with their own traditions and cultures.

Create a supportive community:

This module is a platform for inter-cultural conversations and comparisons, using French-speaking countries as a starting point for conversations and leading on to the cultures which are represented in the classroom .

Term 4: Au collège

In this unit, pupils will describe the difference between school in the UK and in French-speaking countries and talk about a school exchange, discuss school rules, as well as healthy eating and vices. Grammar points will include the pronouns il and elle,

Students will be tested on their Listening, Reading, Writing and Translation skills. Each skill will follow GCSE style questions and include mainly items of vocabulary from the unit, but also general vocabulary and structures.

dans ma région il y a

in my region there is/ there are

des vignobles


une colline

a hill

le climat est sec

the climate is dry

la frontière

the border

j'ai envie de (+infinitive)

I fell like (+verb)

je tiens à

I am keen to

ramasser les déchets

to pick up litter

des éclaircies

sunny intervals

ce qui me plait ici, c'est

what I like here is

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

While focusing on their local environment, students reflect on the wider world and on different lifestyles.

Create a supportive community:

Term 5: Bon travail !

This unit is about the world of work: jobs, work preferences, career choices, plans, hopes and wishes, applying for jobs and case studies, including working in tourism. Grammar points will include: the subjunctive, direct object pronouns in the perfect te

The Year 10 Exams will replicate GCSE exams by testing on four papers (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing) separately. Students will be assessed according to GCSE mark schemes and assessment criteria to get the full experience of GCSE papers in French. The Speaking will cover all the modules we have worked on so far, but the other papers will cover the entire content of the course, including the three modules we are yet to work on.

je loge dans un gite

I stay in a holiday cottage

nous passons nos vacances

we spend our holidays

je me reposerais

I would rest

regarder le coucher du soleil

to watch the sunset

reposant / se reposer

restful/ to rest

réserver un billet

to book a ticket

on m'a volé mon sac

my bag was stolen

acheter des souvenirs

to buy souvenirs

l'accueil était chaleureux

the welcome was warm

en première/ deuxième classe

in first/ second class

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

The module allows students to discover new countries, cultures and experiences, and encourages them to contrast with their own lives and experiences. Students can think about how they would cope with holiday disasters.

Create a supportive community:

By sharing experiences about holidays and/ or lives in other countries, student develop their resilience when faced with unexpected or unfamiliar situations.

Term 6: Un œil sur le monde

This unit is about issues in the world, and how to make things better: protecting the environment, ethical shopping, volunteering, and big cultural events. Grammar points will include making connections between word types, modal verbs (devoir and pouvoir) in the conditional. The passive, indirect object pronouns, and giving arguments for and against.

Students will be tested on their Listening, Reading, Writing and Translation skills. Each skill will follow GCSE style questions and include mainly items of vocabulary from the unit, but also general vocabulary and structures.

ce qui me préoccupe

what worries me

je pourrais

I could

je voudrais

I would like to

éviter de faire

to avoid doing

le bénévolat


le covoiturage


le déboisement


la guerre


nous pourrions tous faire plus

we could all do more

  • Spiritual
  • Moral
  • Social
  • Cultural

Develop the individual:

Students learn about environmental and social issues and reflect on how these could be resolved.

Create a supportive community:

Students consider their place in the world and consider strategies to improve the world for everyone.